- You don't have to shave regularly
- Your wife won't nag you saying "Didn't you wear the same shirt yesterday?"
- We all have been in situations when you dash into a store to pick up one thing and run into somebody you know. You have to be polite and stop and chat. If you wear burqa, you will go unnoticed.
- You don't have to put up a smiling face when a guy asks you, "Is it OK if I set the meeting at 5PM on Friday?". You can make whatever face you want as long as you keep your voice calm.
- If you smoke, burqa provides another layer of filtering
- When you are in a store and your wife wants you to buy something expensive, you can pretend not to be her husband and walk away
- You don't have to be all macho and say, "Oh, it's not chilly at all." You can wear a sweater and nobody will notice
- Nobody will know where you are looking. Just saying, not that you will check out girls or anything.
- "Dressing up" for dinner only involves wearing formal shoes (These events will be called "Black shoelace events")
- Host of excellent pick up lines like: "Hi, will you join me in my burqa?"
- (Don't talk about hair, Don't talk about hair ) There won't be any more bad hair days (Damn couldn't stop)
May be I should start a new fashion trend.