Chatter's guide to real life
Chat/IM has become so prevalent a medium of communication that some times we may have to remind ourselves how the real world works. Here are a few things chronic chatters have to remember when dealing in real life.
- It is not appropriate to ask "asl" when you meet a new person in real life. It is offensive, especially the "s" part.
- When you hear something funny it is customary to exercise your facial muscles and exert a laugh. Saying "lol" may not be considered as an alternative
- Do not be tempted to enact ROFL
- Buzzing, nudging or any other form of physical violence to gain attention generally leads to misdemeanor charges
- Do not attempt to have two independent conversations with two people at the same time
- If you do attempt the above, bear in mind that, by a phenomenon too complex to explain, the said individuals can hear each other's conversation. So saying "hi" to one and "the loser is here" to other might lead to unpleasant situations.
- There is a no real life equivalent of LMAO. Please do not try to invent one
- You can't leave offliners. So don't shout something in a guy's cube when he is not there and expect him to "get it" when he comes back
enacting ROFL might be interesting actually. And chat life and real life are quite different, most people draw line there I think.
Persona non gratis, at Tue Jun 27, 02:51:00 PM 2006
Anu, at Tue Jun 27, 05:55:00 PM 2006
Ha! My son used to give me a dry "LOL, Mom, LOL" whenever I did or said something...not cool enough to meet his standards.
Lori Stewart Weidert, at Tue Jun 27, 09:06:00 PM 2006
Rats...I was WONDERING where I was going wrong.
Must of been the LMAO.
Tsk tsk.
Tai, at Wed Jun 28, 07:15:00 PM 2006
LOL!!! :D :D
iv been guilty of point #2 on more than one occasion :D
Anonymous, at Thu Jun 29, 07:17:00 AM 2006
hey....i cant see any posts before 12th archives either....
is this it???
Anonymous, at Thu Jun 29, 10:13:00 PM 2006
Shreemoyee: Agreed. I sure do want to watch somebody ROFL
gnightgirl: But he must consider the fact that you have a popular blog a real cool thing, right?
tai: LOL.
nithya: Thanks for pointing out the archives are missing. I messed up the template. I think I fixed it. (Don't you hate debugging the blog :) We have enough bugs to deal with at work!)
Twisted DNA, at Thu Jun 29, 11:04:00 PM 2006
You have obviously given the experiment some time and method..:) darn it.. thats why my fren never called me back.. i had just opened his room door and left an offliner..
Janaki, at Fri Jun 30, 03:26:00 AM 2006
Number 6 had me ROFL :)
Jamie, at Wed Jul 05, 01:34:00 PM 2006
You forgot LMAO!!
:-) and silly lil' icons..
EdotR, at Fri Jul 07, 07:12:00 AM 2006
jaygee: Your friend did call back. He just left you an offliner ;)
jamie: thanks
mary poppins: "ans silly lil' icons" - I should start carrying around smiley flash-cards :D
Twisted DNA, at Mon Jul 10, 11:20:00 PM 2006
n i m seriously LMFAO.. that was fun...
Apy, at Thu Jul 27, 02:39:00 AM 2006
How very funny & how very true ..
Anonymous, at Sun Aug 06, 02:36:00 AM 2006
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